PL|EN » GD » Accessories » Din Relay Module (12pcs) airson Ethernet eHouse agus eHouse 1 SMART dachaigh rianadairean

Din rèile sealaidheachd modal Tha: * 12 relays 230V / 16a * 12 buinn airson relays * IDC - 50 socaid co-chòrdail leis Ethernet eHouse agus eHouse 1 rianadairean * 3 pin cumhachd socaid * PCB airson a 'ceangal a h-uile relays inductors gu IDC - 50 * 2x IDC - 14 buinn airson leudachadh air sealaidheachd modalan suas ri 32 relays * COITCHEANN rèile airson Shorten " COM " ceangal nan uile relays

SRP: 116.43 EUR » 104.79 EUR @10pcs
Vendor Prices:
93.14 EUR
81.5 EUR @50pcs
76.84 EUR @100pcs
69.86 EUR @500pcs
58.21 EUR @1000pcs

Din rèile sealaidheachd modal le relays agus buinn (12pcs)
Relay Module an àite a h-uile aon càbaill air a ìosal bholtaids taobh relays (steach) agus air cumanta an co-cheangal de cheangalaichean.
Modal maximally faochadh agus cuireadh cruthachadh proifeiseanta meadhan no an t-seòmar-suidse a 'bhòrd airson eHouse siostam.
Tha e a ghiorrachadh ìosal bholtaids a stàladh air siostam airson beagan uairean a thìde.
Chan eil ach aon IDC - 50 càball a tha a dhìth airson an ceangal eadar rianadairean agus relays.
Suas gu 2 leudachadh modalan urrainn a bhith an cois a 'ceangal suas ri 32 relays.
Ann an cùis-cleachdaidh an aon cumhachd airson smachd a chumail air an inneal, a bharrachd COITCHEANN rèile faodar a chleachdadh
Tha na modailean an Faodar ghearradh a ruighinn suim nas lugha de relays.
 relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system


Firmware Resources:

Hardware Resources:
  • 12 przekaźników 230V/16A z podstawkami na szynę DIN
  • złącze IDC-50M do podłączenia bezpośrednio do sterownika
  • szyna zwierna miedziana styków wspólnych "COM" przekaźników

Software Resources:


Item Translations:

af am ar az be bg bn bs ca ce co cs cy da de ee el en eo es et eu fa fi fr fy ga gd gl gu ha hi hr ht hu hy id ig is it iw ja jw ka kk km kn ko ku ky la lb lo lt lv mg mi mk ml mn mr ms mt my ne nl no ny pa pl ps pt ro ru sd si sk sl sm sn so sq sr st su sv sw ta te tg th tl tr ua uk ur uz vi xh yi yo zu ceb haw hmn zh-CN