PL|EN » SU » Accessories » DIN Relay Module (12pcs) pikeun Ethernet eHouse na eHouse 1 Controllers home pinter

Din modul rail relay Ieu ngandung: * 12 relays 230V / 16A * 12 sockets pikeun relays * IDC - 50 stop kontak cocog sareng Ethernet eHouse jeung eHouse 1 Controllers * 3 kakuatan stop kontak pin * PCB pikeun nyambungkeun sakabéh relays induktor mun IDC - 50 * 2x IDC - 14 sockets pikeun perluasan relay modul nepi ka 32 relays * Rail umum pikeun shorten " COM " sambungan sadaya relays

SRP: 116.43 EUR » 104.79 EUR @10pcs
Vendor Prices:
93.14 EUR
74.51 EUR @50pcs
65.2 EUR @100pcs
61.71 EUR @500pcs
58.21 EUR @1000pcs

Din rail modul relay ku relays na sockets (12pcs)
Relay Module ngagantikeun kabéh kabel tunggal di sisi tegangan low of relays (induktor) jeung dina sambungan umum kontak.
Modul maximally betah tur nyepetkeun kreasi dewan switch sentral atanapi kamar profésional pikeun sistem eHouse.
Ieu shorten instalasi tegangan low sahiji sistem pikeun sababaraha jam.
Ngan hiji IDC - 50 kabel nyaeta dipikabutuh pikeun sambungan antara Controllers na relays.
Nepi ka 2 modul ékspansi bisa napel sakaligus nyambung nepi ka 32 relays.
Dina hal pamakéan nu catu daya nu sami pikeun alat dikawasa, tambahan rail umum bisa dipaké
The modul tiasa motong ka ngahontal jumlah leutik relays.
 relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system  relay module for DIN rail containing 12x relays with sockets for eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse home automation system


Firmware Resources:

Hardware Resources:
  • 12 przekaźników 230V/16A z podstawkami na szynę DIN
  • złącze IDC-50M do podłączenia bezpośrednio do sterownika
  • szyna zwierna miedziana styków wspólnych "COM" przekaźników

Software Resources:


Item Translations:

af am ar az be bg bn bs ca ce co cs cy da de ee el en eo es et eu fa fi fr fy ga gd gl gu ha hi hr ht hu hy id ig is it iw ja jw ka kk km kn ko ku ky la lb lo lt lv mg mi mk ml mn mr ms mt my ne nl no ny pa pl ps pt ro ru sd si sk sl sm sn so sq sr st su sv sw ta te tg th tl tr ua uk ur uz vi xh yi yo zu ceb haw hmn zh-CN