Language: Currency: Key:
SKU/Product CodeCategoryName/DetailsImageSRP
10ERF-SRV RF eHouse ITA / M. DIY - Facias
815 0 768 699 629 582 512 466 -
8x_mcp9700_10m Accessories 8x10m MCP9700 sensoriis Temperature
8* MCP9700/10m temperature sensor+socket 140 0 128 116 105 93 81 70 passiv,
@city-gsm_catm1_nbiot GSM @City GSM / Cat M1 / ​​NBIoT - Smart urbe Controller
@City GSM/CAT M1/NBIoT - Smart City Controller 140 0 128 116 105 93 81 70 -
@city-lorawan LoRaWAN @City LoRaWAN - Smart urbe Controller (IoT, IIoT)
@City LoRaWAN - Smart City Controller (IoT, IIoT) 116 0 105 95 88 81 77 70 -
CM-EXP-28 Accesories Expander IDC Inputs - XL / Marcus Tullius - XII DIY
70 0 58 51 47 43 41 40 -
CM-EXP-48 accessories IDC - L / Marcus Tullius - XII DIY - inputs indicator Expander
IDC-50/RJ-12 DIY - Inputs Expander 116 0 105 98 93 86 79 70 -
CM_DIY LAN CommManager DIY - Facias (nulla Suspendisse)
CommManager DIY - Do It Yourself (DIY/OEM) 349 0 303 256 228 221 214 207 -
EHOUSEPRO-INPUTS-128-DIY BMS eHouse. CXXVIII PRO OMNIBUS intelligens Digital Inputs - Facias (nulla Suspendisse)
eHouse.PRO 128 Intelligent Digital Inputs Module - Do It Yourself (DIY/OEM) 175 0 163 151 140 128 116 105 -
EHOUSEPRO-OUTS-128-DIY BMS eHouse. CXXVIII intelligens PRO OMNIBUS Digital Outputs - Facias (nulla Suspendisse)
eHouse.PRO 128 Intelligent Digital Outputs Module - Do It Yourself (DIY/OEM) 175 0 163 151 140 128 116 105 -
EHOUSEPROHW_DIY CAN eHouse. Domum Automation pro Servo DIY - Facias (nulla Suspendisse)
466 0 279 256 233 210 186 163 -
EHOUSEPRO_SW_DIY BMS Promptus to install eHouse. Domum Automation ratio pro Central SWITCH PB Equipement Board
Ready to install eHouse.PRO Home Automation system Central Switch Board Equipement 3493 0 2794 2561 2329 2096 1863 1630 -
ERM3_DIY LAN EthernetRoomManager DIY - Facias
EthernetRoomManager DIY - Do It Yourself 93 0 81 70 63 58 51 47 -
ERM3_ROZ_DIY LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room Switch Board 768 0 466 442 419 396 373 349 -
ERM_V5_DIY LAN Mini EthernetRoomManager DIY - Facias (nulla Suspendisse)
EthernetRoomManager Mini DIY - Do It Yourself (DIY/OEM) 0 0 0 93 81 70 58 47 -
ETH-EHOUSE-COMFORT LAN Aer eHouse Domum Automation - Consolamini / VIP (10x EthernetRoomManagers) DIY - (Nulla Suspendisse)
eHouse Ethernet Home Automation - Comfort/VIP (10x EthernetRoomManagers) DIY - (DIY/OEM) 931 0 699 629 582 536 489 466 -
ETH_DEMO LAN eHouse4Ethernet volutpat, Demo Board
eHouse4Ethernet Evaluation, Demo Board 466 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
EVAL-ADC-DIY Eval Triticum ergo ADC Demo DIY Board
ADC Measurement Demo Board DIY 70 0 58 54 49 47 44 42 -
EVAL-INPUTS-DIY Eval Demo inputs DIY Board
Inputs Demo Board DIY 47 0 35 30 26 23 21 19 -
EVAL-OUTS-DIY Accessories Demo DIY Outputs Board
Outputs Demo Board DIY 58 0 42 37 33 28 26 23 -
EXT-PANEL-IR Accessories IR ad imperium panel EthernetRoomManager
IR control panel for EthernetRoomManager 47 0 35 33 30 28 26 23 -
HM_DIY RS-485 HeatManager DIY - Facias (nulla Suspendisse)
HeatManager DIY - Do It Yourself (DIY/OEM) 116 0 0 0 81 70 58 47 -
IDC Accessories Flat cable IDC (majora)
IDC Flat Cable (Various Sizes) 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 -
IoT-WiFi-DIY diy-sup2 ESP8266 DIY domum Automation - Facias
ESP8266 home automation DIY - Do It Yourself 47 0 40 37 35 33 30 28 -
MP12A-DIN Accessories Nullam amet Signa (12pcs) Aer enim I eHouse eHouse et dolor domum moderatoris
DIN Relay Module (12pcs) for Ethernet eHouse and eHouse 1 smart home controllers 116 0 93 86 81 77 70 58 -
MP12B-DIN Accessories Nullam amet Signa (12pcs) Aer enim I eHouse eHouse et dolor domum moderatoris
DIN Relay Module (12pcs) for Ethernet eHouse and eHouse 1 smart home controllers 116 0 93 84 75 65 62 58 -
MP18A-DIN Accessories Nullam amet Signa (18pcs) Aer enim I eHouse eHouse et dolor domum moderatoris
DIN Relay Module (18pcs) for Ethernet eHouse and eHouse 1 smart home controllers 186 0 151 144 140 128 116 105 -
SKRZYNKA-MIDI Accessories XXXII modules + VIII Mailbox Vinco eHouse Midi
eHouse Midi Switchboard box 32 modules + 8 93 0 81 70 61 51 47 44 -
SKRZYNKA-MINI Accessories Mini eHouse Switchboard Box XVIII modules IV +
EHouse Mini Switchboard Box 18 modules + 4 70 0 58 55 51 47 44 42 -
SW-MIDI-ERM-MP32-DIY LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room SwitchBoard 931 0 815 768 699 652 617 582 -
SW-MINI-ERM-MP18-DIY LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room SwitchBoard 699 0 582 547 512 466 442 419 -
SW-MINI-ERM18-DIY LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room Switch Board 699 0 582 547 512 466 442 419 -
SW-PRO-FULL-DIY Promo Promptus to install eHouse. Domum Automation ratio pro Central SWITCH PB Equipement Board
Ready to install eHouse.PRO Home Automation system Central Switch Board Equipement 3493 0 2561 2329 2212 2096 1979 1863 -
automatyka-basenu LAN Pool Automation - Intelligentes stagnum controller (outputs 18/32)
Swimming Pool Automation - Intelligent pool controller (18/32 outputs) 1048 0 931 885 815 768 699 652 erm+mp18, erm, sw_erm+mp18, sw_erm+mp32, sw_midi, sw_mini,
ehouse-rfid-reader BMS EHouse accessum imperium RFID - Card legit propinquitas
Access control eHouse RFID - Proximity card reader 93 0 58 57 56 54 51 49
ehouse1-10x RS-485 eHouse unus (RS - CDLXXXV) Solatium sarcina VIP - 10x RoomManagers DIY - (Nulla Suspendisse)
eHouse One (RS-485) Comfort & VIP package - 10x RoomManagers DIY - (DIY/OEM) 1048 0 0 699 629 582 512 466 EN PL
ehouse_wifi WiFi Quadratum eHouse WiFi DIY - Facias
eHouse WiFi Square DIY - Do It Yourself 70 0 47 42 35 33 30 28 EN PL ewifi-all-in-one, ewifi,
erm-10x LAN Aer eHouse Domum Automation - Consolamini / VIP (10x EthernetRoomManagers) DIY - (Nulla Suspendisse)
eHouse Ethernet Home Automation - Comfort/VIP (10x EthernetRoomManagers) DIY - (DIY/OEM) 931 0 699 629 582 536 489 466 erm,
ewifir WiFi EHouse WiFi Rotundus (EWiFiR) - DIY propius ad ostium tabernaculi
EHouse WiFi Round (EWiFiR) - for socket cans DIY 63 0 47 42 35 33 30 28 ewifi-all-in-one, ewifi,
inteligentna-dzialka LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room Switch Board 349 0 279 233 186 163 140 116 erm+mp18, erm, sw_erm+mp18, sw_erm+mp32, sw_midi, sw_mini,
inteligentny-dom-econo LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room Switch Board 931 0 699 652 605 559 512 466 EN PL erm+mp18, erm, sw_erm+mp18, sw_erm+mp32, sw_midi, sw_mini,
inteligentny-kamper LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room Switch Board 745 0 675 652 629 582 512 466 erm+mp18, erm, sw_erm+mp18, sw_erm+mp32, sw_midi, sw_mini,
minirozdzielnia-rm-diy LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room Switch Board 699 0 582 512 466 431 396 349 EN PL erm+mp18,
raspberry-pi-128-inputs diy-sup2 RUBUS IDAEUS Pi - CXXVIII, OMNIBUS intelligens Digital Inputs - Facias
Raspberry PI - 128 Intelligent Digital Inputs Module - Do It Yourself 116 0 105 93 88 81 75 70 EN PL
raspberry-pi-128-outputs diy-sup2 RUBUS IDAEUS Pi, Musa sapientum fixa PRO QUO. . CXXVIII, OMNIBUS intelligens Digital Outputs - Facias
Raspberry PI, Banana PRO.. 128 Intelligent Digital Outputs Module - Do It Yourself 140 0 116 109 105 98 93 88 EN PL
raspberry-pi-interfejsy diy-sup2 OMNIBUS interface ad aedificationem Automation pro eHouse RUBUS IDAEUS Pi
47 0 37 35 30 28 26 23 EN PL
smart-yacht LAN ERM eHouse Monted paratus volutpat ut Switch Board
Monted ready to use eHouse ERM Room Switch Board 699 0 582 512 466 419 396 373 erm+mp18, erm,
SKU/Product CodeCategoryName/DetailsImageSRP
Currency: EUR NET Value, LOCO: Factory Warsaw, Poland, EU
SRP - sugested retail price per Unit
VP - Vendor Price per Unit
VP10 - Vendor Price per Unit (@10pcs)
VP50 - Vendor Price unit (@50pcs)
VP100 - Vendor Price unit (@100pcs)
VP500 - Vendor Price unit (@500pcs)
VP1000 - Vendor Price unit (@1000pcs)

Pełna Dokumentacja / Complete Documentation

@City Logo
@City - LoRaWAN/GSM Smart IoT/CIoT/IIoT Platform + Cloud / Platforma Smart City
@Light - Smart Lighting / Inteligentne Oświetlenie Miejskie, Uliczne
@Metering - Smart Metering / Inteligentny i Zdalny Odczyt Liczników Energii, Gazu, Wody, Ciepła
@Monitoring - Smart Monitoring, Predictive Maintenence, BIM / Monitoring, przewidywanie awarii
@Trace - Asset Tracking, Fleet Management / Śledzenie przesyłek wartościowych
@AirQ - Smart Environment / System Antysmogowy i pomiarów środowiskowych
@Bin - Smart Bin, Waste Management / Inteligentne kosze i kontenery na śmieci

@City LoRaWAN & GSM
2..4G, NBIoT, CATM1, LTE450


@City LoRaWAN & GSM + GPS/GNSS Devices PL EN
@AirQ - Smart Environment, Anti-Smog System PL EN FR
@AirQ - Smart Environment, Anti-Smog System PL EN
@Light - Smart Lighting System PL EN
@Light - Smart Metering and Measurement System PL EN
@Light - Asset Tracking, Fleet Management System PL EN
@Light - Predictive Maintenance, Smart Monitoring System PL EN

eHouse Logo

eHouse Logo



DIY Blog

eHouse RS-485/422 Full Duplex PL EN PL EN PL EN
eHouse RS-485/422 Full Duplex PL EN FR PL EN
eHouse CAN Logo PL PL EN

Inne Dokumentacje / Other Documentation



eHouse TCP/IP UDP Communication Protocol


eHouse Control via BACNet


eHouse Control via Modbus TCP/IP


eHouse Control via MQTT


Automatyka Budynku eHouse eHouse Building Automation Contact


af am ar az be bg bn bs ca ce co cs cy da de ee el en eo es et eu fa fi fr fy ga gd gl gu ha hi hr ht hu hy id ig is it iw ja jw ka kk km kn ko ku ky la lb lo lt lv mg mi mk ml mn mr ms mt my ne nl no ny pa pl ps pt ro ru sd si sk sl sm sn so sq sr st su sv sw ta te tg th tl tr ua uk ur uz vi xh yi yo zu ceb haw hmn zh-CN