Inteligentny dom eHouse Producent.
eHouse Home automation Producer and developper.
iSys - Intelligent Systems Wygoda 14
05-480 Karczew
mobile: (+48) 883 484 O99
eMail Distributors Voivodeship:
mazowieckie County:
Otwock » 15 km from
Warsaw GPS: (N: 52st 2min 44.3s ; E: 21st 15min 49.19s)
Display a larger map We will establish cooperation with installers , designers , service sales , installations , service for further system development in Poland and abroad .
Please contact us by phone for other locations of planned installations: Lublin, Opole, Piastów, Iłża, Żuromin, Katowice, Raciąż, Przasnysz, Kozienice, Garwolin, Tłuszcz, Łaskarzew, Zielonka, Góra Kalwaria, Słupsk, Łomża, Sulejówek, Zielona Góra, Suwałki, Płock, Kraków, Łosice, Konstancin Jeziorna, Chorzele, Serock, Brok, Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Nasielsk, Skierniewice, Ostrołęka, Legionowo, Przysucha, Wałbrzych, Pruszków, Podkowa Leśna, Nowy Sącz, Wyszogród, Leszno, Skaryszew, Marki, Szczecin, Wrocław, Ostrów Mazowiecka, Żyrardów, Żelechów, Lipsko, Poznań, Москва, Elbląg, Kobyłka, Glinojeck
We are looking for cooperatives for resale , installation , service , maintenance of our controllers and software development on local and foreign markets.
your cooperation Student Internships financed by the EU Site map